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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Beat the Market and WIN with MSN CAPS Contests

Beat the Market and WIN with MSN CAPS ContestsPut your best investment ideas to work and you could score an easy $2,500 in MSN CAPS Beat the Market competition. Pick one stock or a bundle, and add more along the way. The highest ranked player (determined by 2/3 score rank and 1/3 accuracy rank, based on CAPS rankings) takes home the top prize. Also up for grabs is an Xbox 360 Elite System and a Zune digital media player. Good Luck! (Must be US resident 18+)

You must have between 1 and 99 picks at all times to be eligible for this contest.

Step 1. Players make stock predictions
At the heart of CAPS are thousands of predictions. Players predict whether stocks will outperform or underperform the S&P 500 and over what time frame this will happen. We compile the data, showing all the picks you have made and all the picks for individual stocks.

Step 2. We keep score
As stocks change in value, we evaluate players' predictions. Players receive an accuracy percentage, indicating how often they make correct predictions and a score, which is the percentage by which their picks beat the S&P 500.

Step 3. Players receive CAPS ratings
Based on the performance of their picks, CAPS players receive a percentile rating (from 1 to 100). This rating indicates the percentage of people that player is outperforming. The higher the rating, the better!

Step 4. Stocks receive CAPS ratings
A stock's CAPS rating is the aggregation of every prediction for that stock. The rating indicates whether or not players think that stock will outperform the S&P 500.
Important concept to follow... pay attention!! Here it is:
Players with higher ratings have more influence on a stock's rating. If you're a great investor with a great track record, we think what you have to say is very important. So, we give you more weight. However, if you don't know the difference between a stock and a parking ticket, we're not going to allow you to affect the company rating very much.

Step 5. CAPS gets smarter
Every CAPS rating is updated every five minutes. And with each additional prediction, CAPS recalculates and recompiles the data, constantly refining the community sentiment. Over time, the best investors will naturally work their way to the top and will gain more influence over the stock ratings. Conversely, the less successful players will have less impact. And then the cycle repeats. Players make more predictions, which affect their player ratings, which affect the stock ratings, and so on. The result is a service which will help you find better stocks and follow the best investors.

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