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Saturday, April 12, 2008

SharedReviews: The Art of Reputation

SharedReviews: The Art of ReputationSharedReviews' Reputation Score

This is a new system that will measure some of your activities within the community and assign bonuses and negatives to those actions based on how much they contribute to the overall goals of the community, which is to have the best community and the highest quality reviews available anywhere online.

Reputation Score will be the NEW tie breaker for all reviews that tie for a revenue earning position, starting with the April Cycle. Also, we have designed your Reputation Score to determine how many votes you will be allowed to cast per category. Everyone starts with a Reputation Score of 50%; members with a score between 25% to 74% will be able to cast only 2 votes per subcategory, with scores above or below this range increasing or decreasing the allowed votes per subcategory in real-time. Here is the breakdown:

100%: 4 votes per category
75% - 99%: 3 votes per category
25%-74%: 2 votes per category
1%-24%: 1 vote per category
0%: 0 Votes

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