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Saturday, April 19, 2008

SEO gimmicks with SharedNews and ShareScore

SEO gimmicks with SharedNews and ShareScoreWelcome to SharedNews, where you can acquire instant information on what your friends are doing within the community. This will provide valuable insight into which of your friends are writing and updating their reviews. You will receive real-time notices on votes and comments on your own reviews.

As well, you’ll have a plethora of new friend notices to see who they are becoming friends with, how their ShareScore grows or decreases and when they update their profile. Other system notices include Private Messages or when a review is sent back for some edits. When you go to check it out in the Community tab, make sure you update your status to let all your friends know what you think!

ShareScore Update

In the first three weeks since launch, ShareScore has had an amazing impact on the quality of activity within the community. Almost everyone is stepping up to the plate and taking community responsibility in voting for only the best reviews, helping to police bad content through the reporting tool, and helping new users get started as our community grows.

Congratulations to our first members who have hit a 100% ShareScore, earning the right to place more votes than anyone else in the community. Everyone keep up the great work!

Development of additional social features such as Groups and Applications for other social networks continues, so please keep your feedback coming in on how we can help you grow your community and earnings in new and better ways.

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