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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Is Bad Credit Good?

Is Bad Credit Good?Could a bad credit rating save you from bigger problems? It has done just that for many young people. How can this be?

I am not recommending that you purposely try to get a bad credit rating, but if you already have one, it isn't all bad. The habits that got you there would probably get you into even more trouble if you could borrow more bad credit loans. Look at it as an opportunity to stop going further into debt, and a chance to learn better habits.

Start paying cash for everything. Pay down those credit card balances (the higher interest ones first). The moment you get those cards paid off, start setting aside money to buy a good used car for cash. When you've done that, start putting what would have been a car payment into a savings account, for a future down payment on house or a business (the only things you should borrow for). A bad credit credit card rating can be good thing, if you take it as a lesson and an opportunity.

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