As you may have noticed, many make money online blogs are slowly moving away from advertising networks like Google Adsense and moving toward the much more lucrative strategy of private advertising. This is a fairly simple transition for a blog of this size, but if you don’t have the audience size of John Chow — most of us don’t — then it can be pretty difficult to solicit private advertising. What can you do?
To address this very need, was created. It’s described as an online auction site for product placement, sponsorships, and ads. They work as an intermediary, but unlike other networks, PlaceMyProduct takes a cut that’s much smaller than 50%. This is the eBay For Web Publishers and Advertisers
The major difference between the PlaceMyProduct online auction site and other advertising networks is that the pricing is not set in stone, but you have the scope to make more money with the higgest bid for the advertising space on your blog.
Just in a matter of few hours of creating my auction, I got a $10 bid for a 125 X 125 banner ad on my blog. Here is the proof, click on the widget and see for yourself.
I think this is a great platform to bring private advertisers and bloggers together in the marketplace for a win-win situation and maing more money online from private advertising media.
Free advise on Finance, how to make easy money, monetize your blog, search engine optimization
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Make money with private advertising for your blog
4:37 PM
Labels: blogger, highest paying, make money online, pr4, profit, referral, seo
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1 comment:
Now get money is too easy,there is one solution for all money problem
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