There are plenty of ways to make money online, most of them legit and some just faintly stopping short this side of being a scam. For me, the easiest way to dabble in making moolah online is to go about it by blogging. Thousands of people all over the world have already jumped onto the bandwagon by getting paid to write sponsored posts or reviews. And if you think Malaysians can’t do it, let me point you to two pretty good examples: 5xMom and Kenny Sia.
First up, 5xMom aka Chan Lilian resides in Penang and is the mother of all moolah-making bloggers in Malaysia simply because she’s so darn successful at it. Don’t believe me? Click here to see how much moolah 5xMom made in one month. If that didn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will.
At the other end of the spectrum you have Kenny Sia, who gets invitations by the bucket load (or so it seems) to review and give away stuff or cover events like concerts as an official press blogger. He truly lives a jet-set life because of his blog.
Blogging is also the way I’m making my moolah so this is the way I’d recommend! But as always, none of these bloggers came by their success the easy way - although blogging is easy, they worked hard and became good at blogging to make their thousands. Will you do the same?
Free advise on Finance, how to make easy money, monetize your blog, search engine optimization
Friday, November 2, 2007
Blogging is easy and rewarding
9:07 PM
Labels: adsense ads, blogger, forum posting, highest paying, make money online, save money tips, seo
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