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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Trick to get more Impressions on Image Ad Banners

Trick to get more Impressions on Image Ad Banners
I am sharing a very simple trick to increase ad impressions of image banners that are mostly used for private advertisements. Adblockers recognise most common looking ad banners automatically reducing impressions drastically which hurt publishers and advertisers both.

But what about image banners? How do they recognise image ad banners? They don’t use any javascript or any php functions. All we use is a < img > tag and howcome AdBlockers block such ads?

Well it depends on name of the image file and also on the alt text attribute for img tag.

1. Never name image ad files as banner.gif, ad.gif or even site_ad.gif or 160X160.gif or any name which suggests that file contains a advertisement.

2. Choose alt text wisely.

I have tested this method on my sidebar image which asks advertisers if they are interested in buying 125X125 spot.

When I named it ghostrider_ad.gif, Firefox Adblocker blocked it. When I named it ghostrider.gif it showed up. See how simple it is. Enjoy.

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