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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google AdSense for Feeds not working for me

I got my Feedburner feeds migrated to AdSense last month and even blogged about making more money with Google AdSense for Feeds. However after reviewing this arrangement for a month, it appears that the AdSense is not making as much income as my FeedBurner feed was making. There are very few things to tweak in AdSense settings for Feeds.

I am planning to make a few adjustments given below and see if these techniques work in a month of review:

1- Move the ads before the post
2- Reduce the ads from every post to every other post
3- Change the colors on my own rather than letting Google decide it
4- Make the feed channel targetable to advertisers

I will keep everyone posted about my findings both good and bad about optimizing Google AdSense for Feeds. Stay tuned.

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