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Friday, July 18, 2008

Tips to improve your Google ranking

Did you know that Google gives special ranking bonuses to certain kinds of domain names? It does, and a significant bonus at that. Choosing a domain name that exactly matches the keywords you want to rank for will give your site a great head-start in the rankings. It's not a requirement for ranking well, but it does help a good bit.

Google differentiates between keywords with apostrophes (possessive terms) and those just ending in s (plural terms). Google favors links above all else. So the next time you sit down to create a new site, be careful to do your keyword research before you purchase your domain name. Also, keep in mind that the "Exact Match Bonus" applies more to .com, .net and .org domain names.

Avoid .info and the other less known top-level domains. Google has an exact match bonus, so the domain name has to exactly match the keyword phrase I'm afraid. Google will ignore links you add to fast unless you can maintain the same pace of link growth for a long time. Google favors .com, .net and .org, so if you're looking for an "exact match" bonus and can get a top-level domain with one of those three, do it. Nothing wrong with .info though, just doesn't have as much favor in the "exact match" department.

Google favors domains without dashes. Their algorithm has the ability to break domain names into their keywords without the need for the hyphen.

I already put this very interesting technique to the test, I can confirm that this technique does indeed help. I just started a new site based on the same premise. I had a old site that I was ranking well for (and getting traffic) for the term "buy bullion" (as in gold and silver coins). So a created a new blog, used those terms in the URL and posted a couple quick articles. Now my site has been up for about 90 days and I get all kinds great Google rankings. Now it is nothing to brag too much about but I put very little "other work" into it.

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