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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why is my revenue being audited

At the end of each month, Chitika performs 'audits' to eliminate clicks that the advertisers will not pay for - clicks from scrapers, automated bots, obvious multiple clicking, etc.

Chitika likes to show us publishers the raw traffic in their accounts instead of simply removing it every month. Other ad services do this, but may call it something else, "smart pricing", etc.; Chitika calls this process audits.

In fact, Google has done a great job of documenting a lot of the techniques it uses to 'audit' their users' clicks.

Over the past few months, Chitika has done a ton of enhancements to do as much filtering as possible on a daily basis. However, not all cases can be filtered on a daily basis. And hence they still have to rely on a monthly process. I see this as a useful tool to report by audited v/s unaudited resuts in my monthly reports like the one here.

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