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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Not-So-Often-Used Trick To Increase RSS Subscriptions

Each RSS feed subscription is equivalent to 1000 clicks.

I am planning to create a really large post that will contain all of my ideas for increasing RSS subscribers for your site. Today I just want to share a little trick that many major players aren’t using yet.

If you’re not using email RSS, you’re probably missing out on quite a few subscriptions. Feedburner makes email RSS fairly easy to set up. You basically will log in to your Feedburner account, and will then go to ‘Publicize’. You will then find a link on the left side - ‘Email Subscriptions’. Go there and Feedburner will give you a piece of code you can paste into your site.

Most of the visitors probably dont sign up for regular RSS because people who choose the email option often aren’t comfortable with a feed reader yet. This really helps your site because people get a daily reminder that its still there.

It’s most definitely worthwhile option to try out for improving your site or blog popularity!

If you would like to learn more about blogging and making money online, subscribe to my full feed RSS in a RSS reader or signup for my email RSS below. My RSS feed is updated daily.

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