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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Drive quality traffic to your Blog

Google Base Listing is a cool way to drive more traffic to your blog. Simply create a listing of your blog on Google Base e.g. in format below and in no time you can even monitor all traffic coming to your blog.

Next step is to track your Google Base Listings with Free Google Analytics tool.

At first glance, it would seem tracking listings from Google Base would be simple. However, since Base listings often appear within the regular search results on Google, it can be tricky to differentiate traffic from the two sources. One way to differentiate traffic is to create unique landing pages on your website specifically for Base listings. You can do this by simply creating two versions of the same page on your website, but giving one a slightly different name. Here's an example:

Regular landing page:
Unique Base landing page:

By creating two versions of the same page on your website and submitting the unique landing page URLs to Base, Google Analytics can show you exactly how much traffic is being sent to your website from Base. Just make sure to include the unique landing page URL in the link attribute of your bulk upload file.


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