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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Helium members report improved earnings

Helium members report improved earningsHelium members report improved earnings:

“I earned $1,246 in a single 24-hour period”
“I earned 100 dollars in one day at”
"My earnings doubled last month”
“I’m not sure what you guys are doing, but I like what I see on my earnings page these days.”

Helium’s ad revenue has doubled, and page rank rose two points in one year.

An extraordinary and true Helium story:

How would you like to earn $1000 from your Helium articles? By Les Jacobs
I’m not asking you to daydream: this has been done. And the Helium member who did it actually earned more than $1000 from just one piece. In the evening of December 14, 2008, Peter Johns posted a link to one of his Helium articles on a media-sharing site and earned $1,246.00 in a single 24-hour period. The article was Credit cards: Dirty little secrets, and Johns posted it on, a media-sharing site affiliated with Wired magazine. Read more on Helium

Can you really make money online? By Peter Johns

$1,246 in 24 hours…As to why the article went viral, your guess is as good as mine, but I've had a month to mull it over and I believe it has to do with "hitting a nerve," on a global level. We are in a global economic crisis, after all, so anything having to do with any kind of financial success is interesting. My article details a journey of real-life success that spanned three years, so that too adds a lot of true and tried ground work.

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